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Stuart Weintraub Logo

Who is Stu?

Creative Visionary. Social Impact Entrepreneur. Warrior-Peace-Advocate for Kids Caught in the Crossfire. Shamanic Energy Healer. Cross-Over Messenger & Ambassador of Love 

Stu Weintraub - Healer, Visionary, Consultant

Founder & CEO, Center for Child-Safe Divorce

Founder & CEO, Waves of Love, International

Principal, Stuart Weintraub Consulting

Author, The Heart of Divorce

TEDx Speaker: The True Costs of Divorce

A true Sagittarius, Stu is eclectic, adventurous, deeply spiritual, intuitive and compassionate. He embodies all four archetypes of masculinity; king, warrior, lover and magician, and holds safe space for healing, coaching, intensive workshops and retreats.

As a creative visionary, Stu has many aspects to his personality. He embraces them all, and he relates to all people because of it. He is here to be of-service.

Skiing Stu


Healer / Woo Woo Stu


Waves of Love Stu


Business Coach Stu



TEDx Speaker Stu


Saling Stu



Meet Stu

Stu Weintraub - Business Coach

Broke, broken, homeless, and car-less, Stu's journey to healing began. He was sober and started seeking ‘alternative” healings. And today, he has become one of them.  And not just any one, but one that is sought after by A-list personalities and business executives because Stu carries tremendously powerful medicine, yet holds space in a deeply compassionate and confidential way. When you experience his humble healing space in La Costa, CA, you will know… 

With over 16 years of deep recovery work, 10 years doing intensive men’s work, 12 years as a high conflict divorce coach and divorce coach trainer. Stu is an ordained Shaman, he received the sacred Peruvian Munay Ki Rites from a practicing shaman, studied under the close mentorship of various Lakota ceremony men, was taught “in a good way” how to tend fire, carry the stones, crawl into ceremony, and pray hard. He received songs and earned his drum. Stu has sat in hundreds of “inipi” sweat lodges, has “gone up on the hill” for “hamblecha” (vision quest) where he received confirmation of his vision. He carries the name “Soaring Eagle” and is here to inspire minds, heal hearts and awaken souls.

Stu is a Master Reiki Healer, and while he will never tell you directly, his lineage is only “7 degrees” from the original master. What this means, is that he received the initiation and attunement to channel Reiki, from a man who was just 6 individuals from the original Master. Not all Reiki Masters are alike. Stu didn’t become a reiki master in a yoga studio workshop or a weekend seminar for therapists receiving continuing education credits; he received it from a true traditional Reiki Master Teacher, who mentored him for years, and still continues to do so to this day. (Think Mr. Miagi from Karate Kid, and you will have a glimpse as to the type of slow, sacredness and intention that his teacher has taught him during his training.) In addition to shamanic energy and Reiki Master, Stu became a "Oneness Deeksha"-Channel in 2008.

Stu is claire-audient, claire-sentient, claire-voyant. He is highly intuitive beyond most and knows, hears, feels and sees things others can’t. He has received blessings from two different fully-enlightened spiritual masters as well. In short, he is not your every-day reiki healer. He is so much more.

Stu has been fighting for his life since he drew his first breath. Little did he know that this journey he was to endure would be the vehicle for his and thousands of others’ healing.

Diagnosed with "failure to thrive" syndrome in early childhood, Stu beat the odds, but it left a mark. Despite undiagnosed and untreated learning disabilities, Stu’s unrelenting determination, creative coping skills, and never-quit-spirit earned him a Political Science degree at the esteemed Tufts University and at present, he is enrolled in Harvard University Business School Online.

Since he was young, Stu dreamed of helping people feel better. In his family and community, that meant being a physician. He certainly got to know dozens upon dozens of doctors over decades but it wasn’t in the expected way. All the prescriptive treatments given had positive short term effects, but they didn't result in sustained healing for his body or help him feel and function better. 

After a year in Vail, Colorado, Stu moved to the spiritual vortex of north coastal San Diego. He married and his beloved son, Jared was born. Although the marriage ended in a painful divorce and a situationally- conflicted custody dynamic, he and his son's mother enjoy a mutually respectful, peaceful, and constructive relationship today. The work of achieving a healthy post-divorce climate resulted in Stu starting The Center for Child-Safe Divorce - Home of the Love Before Law Movement, which has a loving mission to spread awareness and offer resources to parents through a growing network of clergy, counselors and coaches, who agree with Stu's message that "Kid's Don't Belong in the Crossfire." 

The pain of divorce and lopsided custody combined with the decades-long resentments and mile high bills from undiagnosed, untreated and unhealed medical ailments and learning disabilities , were the spark that lit the fire that no amount of "numbing" behaviors or substances could blot out, and thus, the catalyst to a spiritual awakening for Stu was created. He has since experienced many awakenings.

With nearly two decades of successful recovery, participation in hundreds of ancient indigenous sacred ceremonies, as well as numerous mentorship, teachings, "blessings" and formal initiations, from practicing shamans and master healers, Stu experienced numerous initiations into becoming the gifted healer that he is. Stu's intensive immersion into a being a healer wasn't fully solidified until a failed business, bankruptcy, eviction and loss of autos left him broke and homeless.

When the Universe moved him away from the business world and led him to teachers, mentors, elders and master healers, Stu realized he was becoming transformed. He has done his work in therapy as well, and sought out numerous holistic and alternative healers to address his own health and wellness issues that plagued him for decades. With all of these modalities, he has not only experienced his own miraculous healing, but realized that he was now able to heal others in ways that were intensely powerful and effective.

While his clients often call him "Shaman Stu", he says, "I'm just the messenger and the conduit, through which healing takes place." All of this has prepared Him to be the "crossover messenger" that he is. He speaks, writes and coaches from a powerful place rooted deeply in all four archetypes of masculinity. Stu received the name "Soaring Eagle" during a sacred "inipi" sweat lodge ceremony, and as a see-er, and it is this gift that he uses to see deeply into people to know what has blocked them from love, and then how to clear their channel.

Stu realized during the pandemic that his mission was too big to achieve by seeing clients one-on-one, so he sat in meditation and received the calling to start a variety of online group healing and coaching experiences. That same year, he was called to add "The Center for Metaphysical Medicine", Waves of Love, International" The Non-Religious-Spiritual Movement and "The Waves of Love, Foundation" to the fleet of vehicles already in place, in order to fulfill his life's mission. In 2023, he launched "The Waves of Love Podcast - A Powerful Platform Where Love & Leadership Align", so he can further expand his reach to help people become inspired, healed and awakened. His various social media brands; "Suburban Shaman," "Skiing Shaman", "Sailing Shaman" & "Glamping Shaman" all serve as catchy invitations to anyone to join his transformational group virtual and live healing retreats, so they can experience more love, and then share it with others on the planet.

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© 2023 Stuart Weintraub Consulting, Waves of Love, International The Center for Metaphysical Medicine, Non-Religious Spiritual Movement, Suburban Shaman, Skiing Shaman, Sailing Shaman & Glamping Shaman are all Divisions of Weintraub Visionary Ventures.

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