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What Clients Say About Stu

...there's a real sense of the oracle that comes through, like a channel that's just very clear, very connected, very direct...

- VerDarLuz, life coach, Shamanic Astrologer, Human Design analyst

Stu Weintraub - Healer, Visionary, Consultant


Astrologer, Business Coach

Adrienne Rivera

Spiritual Business Coach, Founder, Breath of Gold

Erik Underwood

Performance Sports Coach


"If you are seeking to understand, to unblock, or unleash your best self who's been trapped inside by your past - then contact Stu Weintraub. I don't understand how energy healers work, but I'm open minded. I've been to many and the other experiences were pleasant. The work I did with Stu for the first session was life changing. I'm going back for more. I highly recommend you go outside your comfort zone and try a healing that is sacred, safe and successful to confront and destroy your demons in order to move your life forward. For a full review of Stu's powerful healing abilities and what happened in my session, read the article (below) I wrote about my experience."  Audrey J, San Diego, CA

How a Shaman Released Me Audrey Jacobs article about Stuart Weintraub


"As I write this in February of 2022 I am starting month 8 of my healing work with Stu and I am awed at the progress I've made; there's been so much progress that the thought of putting my voice out into the world in an effort to help others and write publicly on this topic was simply unthinkable for my wounded self who showed up to my first session with so little self worth and confidence, unable to make eye contact, and stammering through the session. I call him "Shaman Stu", though he's too humble to accept that title and always says "I'm just the messenger and the healing comes from Creator...", but the truth is that I'm truly blessed to have found so gifted a healer to help me on my healing journey. After 20 years of self help books and traditional therapy I took a leap of faith to try something different and treat myself from the spiritual aspect. I've been working with Stu for the past several months and the progress I've made and the transformation I am STILL going through is astounding. What makes working with Stu so much more effective and unique is the support both in and out of the sessions. As Stu says: "You will not walk your healing journey alone." Sessions are 90min-2hours which allows for more meaningful progress than a typical 45-60min session with other healers AND I get support and help via text and a follow up phone call if needed between sessions which is amazingly helpful! Stu does not judge me for my feelings, thoughts, or choices and if I'm having trouble communicating or become emotional in session Stu is patient letting me work through it and there is no pressure to hurry or push me along. Finally, Stu is exceptional at keeping his own energy out of the session which has been so helpful for me as an empath. If you're very sensitive to the energy of others or empathetic I highly recommend Stu as he can maintain a space just for your energy. If you're ready to make real change in your life I highly recommend getting him on retainer. You get the quality that you pay for and Stu is worth every penny if you are ready to put in the effort for real results." 

Angel P. San Diego, CA


"Stu is like a modern day Edgar Cayce. In my very first session, with him, he cured a migraine headache that I had, that nothing seemed to help, in less than 20 minutes. He is humble and always says that the healing doesn’t come from him, but rather that his gift is that healing energy moves through him. I was referred to him by a friend who just said, “trust me. see this guy. He’s the real deal.” I highly highly recommend that any man who is suffering depression, addiction, anger issues or family problems, like I once was should book a session with Stu. I didn't believe in energy healing at first, but my friend was right. He really is the real deal." 

John V, New York, NY


"Stu Weintraub is a visionary and a compassionate gifted healer. He held a warm, safe and clear energy when I really needed some support. During our session he shared sound healing, energy clearing and truth speaking that opened up a place of trust to release past trauma. The next day my friend said I looked 10 lbs lighter! He is a wonderful example of a man who offers a balance of divine masculine strong energy with empathic intuitive messages in a kind and neutral way. I am so grateful to have had the good fortune of receiving his care and talents. His work is extremely valuable especially during these powerful times of uncertainty in the world." 

Angelica Perman Global Intuitive Guide & Sound Healer, Malibu, CA


"I've worked with many healers in my life, and Stu was bar none the most gifted guide. In one session, I was able to do a level of excavation and release that no amount of therapy, body work, alternative healing or coaching had accomplished. Stu combines energy work, intuition, native american shamanic healing, kabbalah and reiki (I'm sure there's more too) to create a safe, loving and supportive space to help you find the answers within. I will continue to work with him during my evolution. Thank you Stu for showing up at just the right time for me." 

Tina Bernard, San Diego CA


"I have known Stu Weintraub for several years and was aware he was a gifted reiki master. Because of my own deep seated religious beliefs I had been hesitant to book a session.  2020 was going to be the year I would have an open mind and a new experience . Upon arriving, Stuart immediately put me at ease by assuring me we were only inviting energy from the God of my understanding into the session. My experience with the work was one of tears, laughter, insight and an overall sense of well-being. I would highly recommend giving yourself the gift of time with him." 

Michelle Atkinson, San Diego, CA


"My session with Stuart was more powerful, and different than any other type of healing I have ever received. He takes the time (sessions are two hours) and encompasses powerful ritual, combined with ceremony. It was unlike any other healing session I have ever received." 

Loma Devine, Laguna Beach, CA


"I met with Stu to work on some issues with both physical and emotional pain. Before I go into my experience, let me say that I don't really understand how any of this works, or why it works, but I can tell you that there was a noticeable difference after each session. The first session he did some work to help me let go of my ex, and when he was holding his hands over me I felt like a slight pressure was lifted off my heart and chest. And in the subsequent days I noticed that I was more neutral about him than I had been before. The next time I came, I had some lower back pain from overdoing a workout. Again he put his hands over me, and I felt a warm tingly energy radiating from each place he was hovering over. It felt kinda like that sensation you had in jr high when the girl behind you would play with your hair and you would freeze so they wouldn't stop. Like a really light pleasant sensation. I enjoyed the session, and on the way home I realized that my back wasn't hurting anymore. Again, I don't know how or why it works, but Stu turned this curious skeptic into a believer. I'm looking forward to my next session, and what/ who I will become as a result of our working together." 

Sandi M, San Diego, CA


"Stu creates a space of impeccable love, which guarantees a shift. Pay attention, would be the encouragement here. Yes, of course many of us would like whatever the thing, which disturbs us, to be removed by someone, myself included. Yet my sense is generally this is not the case. We are a large part of our own healing, and by paying attention we can best participate in the magic of this process.This feels to be a silent given in Stu's work. I would lend my voice, as others have shared, that the work Stu offers is a powerful concoction of various healing modalities, all ancient and forever.He is extremely generous with his time, and with his space, doing this work out of his own home. Following the 2 hour session, he includes a four day period of availability, where he responds via text to questions, which arise, and concludes with a finale where what was sought to be healed, taking the form of small tobacco parcels wrapped in colors of the natural world, are committed to a private fire as a completion to the process.I wholeheartedly recommend Stu as a collaborator, guide, healer and spiritual friend." 

Erika G, San Francisco, CA

Divorce | Co-Parenting

"I have had 8 intuitive coaching sessions with Stu and it has literally changed my life. I thought I knew everything about parenting and dating after divorce, but it turns out that I only knew what I knew, and it took a real expert to help me learn some really life-changing things for my sons and me. When my youngest son was being rude and disrespectful and not communicating, Stu helped me understand the root of his behavior, and then gave me very specific and detailed instructions on what to do and say (and, more importantly, what not to do and what not to say) that literally has changed our lives forever. It’s a cliche but i really believe that working with Stu has been priceless." 

Debbie G, Palm Desert, CA

Divorce | Co-Parenting

"I hated my ex. She hated me. We fought all the time. The kids were a mess. Working with Stu changed that. I wish I had hired him before I hired my lawyer! He helped me accept and forgive my former wife, provided tips on how to talk with my kids and not talk "to" them, and still helps me write emails and texts to their mom when I am triggered by things she says sometimes.The smartest thing I have ever done besides hiring Stu in the first place, was to keep him on retainer on an ongoing basis, so I can always get practical support whenever needed. His fees weren't cheap, but the value of his co-parenting coaching sessions were worth every cent." 

Tony E, Indianapolis, IN

Divorce | Co-Parenting

"I have been divorced almost four years and true conflicts did not start until almost two years after the divorce. I found myself feeling guilty, discouraged and confused. I was becoming exasperated and irritated because of the actions of my former husband but most of all, I was seeing the impact on our children - shame, guilt, worry, frustration and insecurity. I did not understand what was happening. I had a consultation with Stu and learned about high conflict personality and parallel parenting. These were foreign to me. Turns out the children's father has a high conflict personality and I can choose to co-parent in a different way. Issues are not resolved but I have found hope and peace in this information, have more tools and am now making better informed decisions when faced with conflict and parenting decisions. Thank you Stu and please, please keep doing this work!" 

M.D. Richmond, VA 46yo

Business Coaching

"I had a 30 minute conversation with Stu and I received sooooo much clarity in just such a short amount of time! With the way Stu is able to visualize and co-create the bigger picture with me, I was able to see my goals spread out in front of me. He allowed me to imagine and play through making my business fun and an adventure! I left the session focused, motivated and excited. Thank you for your beautiful energy! I highly recommend working with Stu if you have BIG VISIONS for your life and your business!" 

Shereen Ibriham, Los Angeles, CA

Business Coaching

"With a few high-mileage, yet gentle questions, Stu gets to the core of your issue. As if he was blessed with a spiritual X-ray, he pin-points the area within you that needs to be unblocked and through his insight guides you to your own revelations, making the process even more powerful. His guidance is precise, without the element of woo woo that’s common with many modern day healers and coaches. He helps you reflect on your life with radical honesty and through the process you walk away with a level of clarity that will surprise you and with tools so precise, yet simple that you feel the shift within in a matter of hours. Thanks, Stu for your guidance.Many blessings your way." 

Ursula V. Los Angeles, CA

Professional Referral

"As an alternative healthcare provider myself, I sometimes come across some very special people that have a heart to help others with their gifts.. Stu is one of those individuals who has a godly gift that he shares with others.. He helps people see things from a different perspective and brings a unique, empathetic yet strong and positive energy and point of view to help those find peace, happiness, healing, better communication and coping skills as well as calm, confident, gratefulness. He has a passion for helping those going through personal conflict, especially divorce-related and protecting children from being caught in the crossfire during marital disputes, separation and divorce. Looking to be the best version of yourself today and moving forward in life to reach your goals personally and financially.. give Stu an opportunity to assist you!  He is not the run of the mill energy healer or coach-- with that being said, you get what you pay for! Reach for the stars and achieve your highest potential!" 

Dr. Jennifer Wells, Norco, CA

Executive Coaching

"You need to work with Stu. Book a time now. I was dealing with heavy depression and mental health issues and not seeing my greatness because of hard addiction and in the family. Stu helped me navigate those issues and each time I booked with him I left feeling remarkably better. His schedule fills up fast so reach out well before you need it or you will miss out." 

David M. Phoenix, AZ

Dating Coaching

"Stu is an incredible intuitive guide and coach who has a knack for getting to the root and source of an issue. I reached out to him initially for some encouragement and direction as I was testing the waters back into the dating world and looking for some practical steps for how to navigate these waters. What I found was a Coach who leads with impeccable integrity and provides heart centered strategy that is aligned with who I am and what I want to accomplish. As a sensitive man, it was relieving to work with a fellow man who is also in tuned with his emotions, but does so from a very solid and grounded masculine frame. His support always reminded me to keep in my center and get to the root of what I truly want, while maintaining my own truth and staying in my own power. His support was practical, encouraging and spot on. He even helped me create an online profile, copywrite and get clear on what I was looking for in a woman. He has a clear understanding of how to honor the female, while staying solid in the masculine. Thank you Stu." 

Adam R. La Costa, CA

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© 2023 Stuart Weintraub Consulting, Waves of Love, International The Center for Metaphysical Medicine, Non-Religious Spiritual Movement, Suburban Shaman, Skiing Shaman, Sailing Shaman & Glamping Shaman are all Divisions of Weintraub Visionary Ventures.

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